Mohammed  Omer

Chairman & Managing Director

Mohammed Omer (Founder of Grains Valley) is one of the most successful businessmen of South India. A renowned personality and owner of multiple chains of businesses.

For more than 40 years, he is expanding and succeeding in all his businesses at the same time maintaining high ethical standards.

Mohammed Omer has now stepped into Food Business. Under the leadership & guidance of Mohammed Omer, Mohammed Numan was able to establish "GRAINS VALLEY" - One of the largest Flour mills in South India which produces the finest quality wheat flour from natures best milled wheat.

It’s one of the leading contributors in the food processing sector producing premium quality flour, refined flour and broken wheat. One place to find everyone’s daily needs which is safe, natural & economic.

With his dedication and hard work, the assets of his business chains multiplied in numbers over the decades.

Mohammed Omer cared greatly for his workers. He enjoys talking to them and listening to their ideas. He says, “If my staff is happy, then my customers will be happy too”.